Why get married at the Margaret River Marriage Office?
Getting married at the Margaret River Marriage Office is the quickest, simplest, and cheapest way to get legally married according to Australian law.
Couples choose the MR Marriage Office to save the hassle and expense of driving to Perth for the same service.
The office is located in Cowaramup, (address is supplied to registered couples), and is a cosy space dedicated to intimate Registry Office style wedding ceremonies, as well as other services such as:
- Fiancé visa letters
- NOIM witnessing
- Recommendations of available Celebrants for ceremonies taking place on a weekend, at your own venue.

Who needs this Registry Office type of service?
Couples who:
- are requesting a Fiancé Visa Letter for the Department of Immigration for their Prospective Marriage Visa,
- require their marriage to be registered in Australia following a ceremony overseas, in Bali or Thailand for example.
- want a marriage, not a wedding — they do not want the distractions, politics and expense of a big wedding.
- are heading overseas to get married in Bali, and oops! — didn’t realise they needed to get legally wed in Australia to be formally recognised as married.
- want to get the legals done and dusted, and have a big party later.
- are travelling and need to take advantage of the time they have, where they have it!
- have been engaged for 20 years, and if not now, then when?
- are pregnant, and decide they both want the same surnames on the birth certificate.
- think going to the Registry Office in Perth is a hassle.
Whatever your reason, we are here to support you.

Our Services
Click here to read more about our Services, and to make a booking.